Once installed it will create a new menu item in Window->AssetBundle Browser. The Package Manager downloads and installs the package’s “master” branch. 1 Hi, I've recently started playing around with Unity and wanted to create an assets library but couldn't find a tool that would let me extract the assets from a. Click the + (Add) button at the top, left corner of the window.Open the Unity Package Manager in your Project (menu: Windows > Package Manager).UnityDataTools is an alternative way to view the content of built AssetBundles. It is recommended to use the Addressables package to define and build AssetBundles, rather than the Asset Bundle Browser. The "Build" tab offers basic functionality to assist in setting up a call to BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles().

If you're trying to use AT2 and having issues on newer engine games, you might want to try AT3. AssetsTools.NET v3 is currently in progress Rework progress is ongoing on the upd21-with-inst branch. The "Configure" tab offers basic functionality for assigning Assets and Scenes to bundles, similar to using the AssetBundle control at the bottom of the Inspector. net library for reading and modifying unity assets and bundles based off of the AssetsTools library from UABE. This can be useful, but viewing extremely large AssetBundles can lead to slow performance and memory issues. This tool enables the user to view the content of built AssetBundles (on the "Inspect" tab). Note: This tool is not a supported utility.